Chart Updating Program
Effective April 13, 2014,
the federal government will no longer print nautical charts
using the lithographic process. NOAA Print on Demand (POD) paper
charts will still be available from certified vendors.
The Chart Updating program encourages the update of every
NOAA Chart by any Auxiliarist. There are no restrictions and any member
can make Chart Updating reports to NOAA for any problems found on any
chart. “The
Auxiliary may also help the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
in updating nautical charts and publications.”
(Excerpted from Chapter 2, Section B3 of the Auxiliary Manual.)
changes to Aids to Navigation are automatically sent to NOAA by the
Coast Guard. NOAA looks for our help for identifying of all other
also provide NOAA with updates to the Coast Pilot, and the the Small
Craft Facility tables on the small craft charts. |
Construction or demolition of major landmarks should be reported so that
charts can be updated to reflect the change. These reports should always
include full documentation, including photographs and GPS Lat/Lon
readings, to verify the exact location of the landmark. A simple
one paragraph report is never enough. NOAA need enough supporting
information with your report to let them know that you know what you are
doing, and that your information is complete and accurate. Only then can
they add your information to the chart. Newspaper articles, engineering
drawings and Google Earth printouts are examples of documentation that
helps verify your information.